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The Christmas Tree HC Andersen - Christina Bjørn

Listen to the fairy tale The Grant Tree


I send you a personal greeting and a small Advent gift because I value our relationship and the cooperation we have – whether we are in daily, weekly or annual contact.

Time is short. Especially in December. So my gift is a loving reminder that life is lived now, not when the corona is gone. We need to find space for presence, even if the circumstances are neither for Christmas hugs nor kisses under the mistletoe.

As a child, I grew up with parents and grandparents who loved to tell stories. Especially at Christmas time, I remember my grandmother taking out the heavy old book with the complete works of Hans Christian Andersen. The pages had gold edges and there was a special smell around us when she carefully opened the book and turned to the adventure I had chosen. I want to pass on that feeling.

The Christmas Tree HC Andersen - Christina Bjørn

This year I will read a fairy tale to you and your loved ones. In the same spirit as when I was a child. You will hear one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most famous Christmas tales, The Spruce Tree, a reminder that life is best lived in the present. We need that reminder at a time when many people’s lives and activities are on involuntary hold.

Let’s cherish all that we love and hopefully my little Advent gift will contribute to just that. Light a candle, get out the pebernødden, enjoy a mulled wine or hot chocolate while you are told or retold the fairy tale of the Grantree – or let the children listen to the story while you finish the last emails of the day. You are also welcome to forward it to someone you love who needs a little adventure in a dark time.

Let the Christmas adventure begin,

Christina Bjørn

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